Md Ruhul Amin

Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, North East University Bangladesh (NEUB)

Khuliya tula, Jithu miar point, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh



4th Position

Idea Sharing
ICT Fest, NEUB 2019
It was an interesting competition where the participant had to sharing different types of idea.It was a inter-department competition hosted by the Computer Science & Engineering department of North East University Bangladesh. A total of 20 teams participated from different institutions all over Sylhet.

2nd Position

Robotics Competition
ICT Fest, NEUB 2019
It was an interesting competition where the participant had to make a line follower robot.It was a inter-department competition hosted by the Computer Science & Engineering department of North East University Bangladesh. A total of 20 teams participated from different institutions all over Sylhet.